Monday, August 3, 2009

Hello everyone, please bare with me as I try to put into words how our lives have changed in the last 9 months! I am not a very good writer so please forgive all of the grammar errors and misspellings! LOL!

Last December, Adam and I found out we were pregnant! What a surprise! We found out our due date was August 22. Well baby AJ decided to come a little early! July 8, we were blessed with the most precious gift God could ever bestow upon us! It was/is amazing! With our little one being 6 and half weeks early..he was in the hospital for a little over 2 weeks! The day of delivery..all we wanted to hear was that sweet little cry when he entered this world! (You see..with premies, your never sure how developed their lungs there is a great chance that they will need help breathing..which means once he is out he is automatically taken from you, put on a breathing tube and put in the NICU.) But we were fortunate..WE HEARD HIS SWEET CRY!!!!! IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SOUND! We were able to hold him for about 10 minutes before they took him. Next we went to see him and he was in an incubator with and iv in his little hand/strong cry. He was out of the incubator with in 3 days and held his temperature beautifully while in the crib. Now the next thing was to teach him how to suck, swallow, and breathe when eating. He would have episodes bc he would forget to breathe, he was too busy trying to fill his belly (he is gonna be a garbage disposal..just like his dad!) But soon enough he had the swing of things! The called him SUPER PREMIE  at the hospital! The nurses were so great to him and us! He learned everything so fast! He had his iv removed after a week or so...thank goodness!

Finally it was time to bring him home. I have to be quite honest..I was so scared for him to come home. Adam was so great with him..such a natural! He helped me to calm down and realize that I too am natural at it and to not be scared! We spent the first couple nights just staring at baby AJ. One night, soooooo sleep deprived, we caught ourselves just staring at our beautiful baby boy AND IT WAS 3 30 AM FOR GOODNESS SAKE! We decided then and there..for the sake of our sanity and our childs safety the we needed to sleep when he was sleeping OR WE WILL GET NO SLEEP AT ALL!  It was just so hard to not stare at him all day and night long! He is so beautiful and sweet!

So it is Baby AJ's 7th day at home and he is doing great! He has had visitors giving him all kind of TLC! He is already so spoiled! LOL!

Anyways...I'm gonna stop rambling...just wanted to catch everyone up on our lives for the past 3 weeks! THIS COULD QUITE POSSIBLY BE THE BEST THING WE HAVE EVER DONE IN OUR LIVES! I know Grandaddy Don and my dad are staring down from heaven with great big smiles...knowing that we are so happy and so fulfilled.

1 comment:

  1. Erika, We are so excited for all 3 of you, as well as the grandparents. Thank you for including us in this blog. It's great to read about your feelings, fears, and love for A.J. Get your sleep...we know you and Ad are becoming awesome parents.
    Love, Uncle tony
